All Gods Creatures Have a Place in Our House


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Everybody loves chocolates don't they?

About Duke....

Duke is our 6 year old,64 pound chocolate labrador retriever. He was a stray that showed up at our house 5 years ago. He made himself right at home and so after 2 weeks of searching for his owners unsuccessfully he became a permanant member of our family.
He loves to play in water, any kind of water. He likes to chase things we throw in the water although he doesn't always bring them back to us. I did teach him some basic retrieving skills but as it turned out he is gun shy I don't really keep up with the training. Although when I work him in the yard he loves to do it. He loves to chase frogs too. He will play in our little creek chasing the frogs for hours.
He likes to go for long walks especially off leash.
He also loves to eat. He doesn't think we feed him enough and so sometimes he will steal food off the counters or out of the garbage. A big no, no!
I taught him basic obedience,although he doesn't always listen as well as I would like.
He hates thunder and doesn't like to walk in the grass after it has rained.
He likes to chase rabbits and squirrels although it is highly discouraged.
He gets along well with our adult cats but thinks kittens and all other small animals(hamsters,rats, mice, gerbils,rabbits ect) are for eating. He actually licks his lips when he watches them.

No that is not a bone
It is a piece of firewood he stole !

Sitting on the woodpile looking out the window